Web Search


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col·lab·o·rate (verb): To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success - Proverbs 15:22

Currently, we are experiencing an information explosion.  It has become impossible for individuals to stay on top of the incessent creation of new knowledge.  Again, the solution is to teach the computers to help us.  Computers are much faster at scanning information than we are.  If they only understood what we were looking for, they could help weed out all the unnecessary data and present us instead with relevant material.

The semantic web is a major initiative towards making this possible.  The technology is designed to allow content publishers (i.e. the millions of companies trying to sell their wares, services, and/or knowledge) to go beyond text and pictures designed for people to understand.  Now in addition companies will be able to include semantic markup designed for computers to also understand what is being presented.

The way it will work is that groups will design standardized ontologies for describing products, news, and other things.  Product retailers (etc.) will use those ontologies to describe what they are offering, and embed that information in the web page.  Software companies will design software agents which search the web for products and information you seek.  You will employ those software agents to go out and find what you need to know.

To help in this search process, we can take things a step further by teaching the search tool about your job and the kinds of information you are interested in.  The tool can use this understanding to refine its searches so it filters out information which matches your search keys but doesn't match your job profile.  Of course all this will be done with your full consent and control.  

Finally this tool can be programmed to work 24/7 searching the web for new and relevant information.  When something new appears, it will notify you so you can be always on top of the latest stuff.  Yet because the system knows your job and what is relevant, you can hope not to be bombarded by a continuous flow of useless junk. 

However, due to the vastness of the web, you may just be bombarded with a continual flow of useful information.  8-[.  It will then take development of a second agent to organize, classify and direct your browsing through this mass to help youunderstand what you need to know. 

Copyright © 2008 Alan Baljeu
Last modified: 04/03/08