Who are the Collaborators?


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col·lab·o·rate (verb): To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success - Proverbs 15:22

There are three major categories of collaboration software:

System to person collaboration S2P software is programmed with knowledge about specific tasks, and programmed with specific ways of working with people to carry out those tasks.  Here's how it can work.  I have spent over six years developing a knowledge-based system which can collaborate with industrial designers to created designs according to corporate standards

Person to person collaboration P2P tools are programmed to help people communicate and work together effectively over a network.  This includes group management software and Web 2.0 interactive tools.

System to system collaboration Emerging S2S tools are software agents, each of which has their own goal, but working together they can accomplish a larger goal. 

Copyright © 2008 Alan Baljeu
Last modified: 04/20/08